About Me

Hello Hello Hello My Little Rainbows, My name is ChrisSimmie St. Cloud named in honor of my very first Sim ever May she Rest in Peace. I actually have many, many,many names but I digress. My Pen Name is C.T. Anthony but you more than likely will not see that unless it's on the cover of a book or in signature form SO Chris or Simmie work fine. 

I am a 26 year old FEMALE writer with very little works published but mountains of paper to prove that I actually do write.

I had to throw the fact that I was a woman in there because my name may give a few people pause. As previously stated I have many names but following some of the great female authors I go by the very masculine parts of those names.

I have also been playing The Sims since it's birth in the long ago year of 2000 at the tender age of 9 playing it's city simulators before it's release. In short 

I am obsessed

While I have been enjoying the game for many years I decided that it was time for my sim's story to be told. Unfortunately the Sim that I was most in love with was on the very first Sims released in 2000.

Simmie St Cloud (yea I was 9 and I was just test running the game)

I have not realized and played her in any other version of The Sims since The Sims 2 and Simmie has lived her very long life (cause I cheated) to the fullest. I hope that this Blog gains enough momentum that it will bring Simmie back to life but until then the Screenshot at the top of the page is what she would look like as a Sims 4 Character and I think that she will enjoy it.

I have 2 computer in which I get lost in The Sims on a Daily basis my laptop as old and run down as it is serves as by blog player as I can easily pack it up and go.

Not many social media accounts for Chrissimmie just yet but for now you can find me on Twitter @

Keep a Weather Eye on the Horizon because you haven't seen the last of me yet.

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